File name         Date  kB      Dlds Description

  • Py22b1lx.zip
  • 210623 6185k 2 Python 2.2b1 for Linux - the first beta release for Python 2.2. This archive contains the source tarball, Python-2.2b1.tgz.

  • Py211gz.zip
  • 210623 6043k 2 The final version (July 20 2001) of the bugfix release for Python 2.1. This should be fully compatible with Python 2.1. Python 2.1.1 is GPL-compatible. This means that it is okay to distribute Python binaries linked with GPL-licensed software; Python itself is not released under the GPL but under a less restrictive license which is Open Source compliant. This archive contains Python-2.1.1.tgz

  • CmmnRegx.zip
  • 210623 29k 1 commonregex 1.5.3 Find all dates, times, emails, phone numbers, links, emails, ip addresses, prices, bitcoin address, and street addresses in a string. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/commonregex /1.5.3

  • kura10.zip
  • 210623 893k 2 Kura, a professional system for handling linguistic data, especially fieldwork data from small-corpus languages. Allows users to enter texts in any language, analyze texts and bring the analyzed linguistic facts into relation with each other. Includes desktop application for handling interlinear texts, lexica and other linguistic data, and special-purpose webserver for online presentation of the analyzed data. First full release of Kura for Windows and Unix/X11. Kura is a complex piece of software, dependent upon many runtime components. Kura will not run without some installation effort. Requires: Kura uses MySQL, MySQLdb, Python, PyQt. For full req., see www.xs4all.nl/~bsarempt/linguistics/index.html

  • argprssf.zip
  • 210623 3k 3 argparse-safe v1.0.0. Safely transitively depend on argparse. Library which is a backport, so it's only needed on Python 2.6. Unfortunately, this makes it hard to consume in things that want to run on 2.7 & above as well & just want to declare that they need it. argparse-safe encapsulates the logic & provides a requirement that can be safely used in 2.6 & 2.7. https://pypi.python.org/ pypi/argparse-safe/1.0.0 [wraps]

  • PyXML620.zip
  • 210623 2k 2 Version 0.6.2 of the Python/XML. This file contains PyXML-0.6.2-2.0.i586.rpm. The Python/XML distribution contains the basic tools required for processing XML data using the Python programming language, assembled into one easy-to-install package. The distribution includes parsers and standard interfaces such as SAX and DOM, along with various other useful modules.

  • pyFind11.zip
  • 210623 107k 2 pyFind is a Find File utility for GNOME. It is written in python, using gnome-python and libglade. PyFind is (c) 2001-2002 Andy Balcombe, released under the GPL.

  • Py22gz.zip
  • 210623 6390k 3 Python-2.2.tgz

  • pyblio1.zip
  • 210623 517k 2 pybliographer-1.0.0.tar.gz

  • SpeedIT4.zip
  • 210623 18k 1 SpeedIT 4.0.0. A Collection of 4 modules: Benchmark-IT, Profile-IT, Line-Memory-Profile-IT, Disassemble-IT. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SpeedIT/4.0.0

  • distulgs.zip
  • 210623 211k 3 Suite of standard Distribution Utilities for Python. Source in tar.gz format. The goal of the Distribution Utilities ('Distutils') is to make building, distributing, and installing Python modules, extensions, and applications painless and standardized.

  • sgfrd021.zip
  • 210623 8k 2 siegfried v0.2.1 Tools for taming lynx, source. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/siegfried/0.2.1

  • rwdg214.zip
  • 210623 101k 1 rawdog is an RSS Aggregator. It supports most common feed formats, including all versions of RSS & Atom using feedparser. Runs from cron, collects articles from a number of feeds, generates a static HTML page listing the newest articles in date order. Supports per-feed customizable update times, & uses ETags, Last-Modified, gzip compression, & RFC3229+feed to minimize network bandwidth usage. Highly customisable using plugins written in Python. http://offog.org/code/rawdog.html Plugins available at: http://offog.org/darcs/rawdog-plugins/ To install a plugin, make sure that you have plugindirs plugins in your config file, & drop the plugin into your ~/.rawdog/plugins directory.

  • wingidel.zip
  • 210623 4241k 3 Wing IDE v1.1b7-2 For Windows and Linux, by Archaeopteryx Software, Inc. www.archaeopteryx.com. This is the tar-gzip version for Linux. Documentation in pdnpydoc

  • vltr081.zip
  • 210623 19k 2 Vulture finds unused classes, functions and variables in your code. This helps you cleanup and find errors in your programs. If you run it on both your library and test suite you can find untested code.

  • VP_debd.zip
  • 210623 28k 3 Debian demos for VPython.

  • Py21b2gz.zip
  • 210623 4155k 4 Python v2.1 beta 2 for linux. This archive contains Python-2.1b2a.tgz

  • paypalrs.zip
  • 210623 14k 1 The PayPal REST SDK provides Python APIs to create, process and manage payments. https://github.com/paypal/rest-api-sdk- python/[wraps]

  • cedpyagg.zip
  • 210623 167k 1 pyAggr3g470r is a news aggregator with a Web interface. It features the use of a MongoDB database, article searching, e-mail notification, export of articles to HTML, EPUB, PDF, or raw text, favorite articles, sharing with Diaspora, Google +, Pinboard, Identi.ca, Digg, reddit, Scoopeo, and Blogmarks https://bitbucket.org/ cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r/

  • snkedb1t.zip
  • 210623 10k 3 snakedb-1.00 in tar gzip format. The purpose of SnakeDb is to provide an easy database API. You don't have to write SQL statements in your scripts to create databases or execute a query. You can access the fields in the tables through a dictionary. The API also allows you to execute complex SQL statements. SnakeDb is a wrapper around other python database modules. SnakeDb ver 1.00 supports Gadfly and MySQL databases. You can easily extend it to use other python database modules. Req: Python 2.0, MySQL database system ver 3.22.25 and up, Gadfly python module, MySQLdb python module

  • vispy01.zip
  • 210623 227k 3 Visual Python is aimed at KDE and GNOME application developers and allows you to easily embed Python as a GUI enabled scripting language in your application. It includes KDE and GNOME APIs to manage Python interpreters, scripts and the communications between running scripts and your application. VisualPython requires gd 1.8 (at least) installed. If you are enabling KDE support you must have KDE 1.91 installed. The Visual Python home page is at http://www.thekompany.com/projects/vp/.

  • pyvim03.zip
  • 210623 2k 1 python-vim 0.3 Python utility that integrates the python interactive console with vim https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-vim/0.3

  • cesi010.zip
  • 210623 7k 2 Centralized supervisor interface http://github.com/GulsahKose/cesi

  • py152rpm.zip
  • 210623 1534k 3 python-1.5-2.i386.rpm This is the basic python package that doesn't require anything more then an installed glibc. It includes most of the standard library that works on Linux boxes.

  • easibx03.zip
  • 210623 23k 3 Easibox is a utility for building distribution archives tar files, zip files and other archive files). Easibox is licensed under the GNU General Public License

  • py152src.zip
  • 210623 4051k 2 python-1.5-2.src.rpm The source RPM.

  • pysql.zip
  • 210623 30k 2 python-sql is a library to write SQL queries in a pythonic way.

  • VP_rpm.zip
  • 210623 652k 2 RPM version of VPython: the Python/Visual IDLE environment, which uses an interactive development environment called IDLE.

  • cnvtalL.zip
  • 210623 200k 2 ConvertAll unit conversion program in which units can be combined with multiplication and division operators and can be squared, cubed, etc. Graphical interface, allowing the units to be selected from lists and the conversions to be made in both directions. Non-linear units (such as temperatures and gauge sizes) are supported. The unit data file can be easily modified to add additional units.

  • Py21a2gz.zip
  • 210623 3974k 4 This archive contains Python-2.1a2.tgz, Python 2.1, alpha 2 in tar gzip format.

  • Py201c1l.zip
  • 210623 3975k 3 Python 2.0.1c1 This archive contains Python-2.0.1c1.tgz, GPL, some bugs fixed.

  • pyngu014.zip
  • 210623 604k 1 Pynguin is a Python-based turtle graphics application. It combines an editor, an interactive interpreter, and a graphics display area. It is meant to be an easy environment for introducing some programming concepts to beginning programmers. https://code.google.com/p/pynguin/

  • pydf_12.zip
  • 210623 15k 1 pydf displays the amount of used and available space on your filesystems, just like df, but in colours. The output format is completely customizable. pydf was written and works on Linux, but should work also on other modern UNIX systems. Public Domain. http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik /software/pydf/

  • eric5545.zip
  • 210623 10M 1 Eric5 v5.4.5 Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in Python. It is designed to be usable as an everyday quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool, integrates many advanced features that Python offers. A plug-in system allows easy extension of the IDE. eric-ide.python-projects.org/index.html

  • pytkirpm.zip
  • 210623 116k 3 python-tkinter-1.5-2.i386.rpm The whole tkinter.

  • Py211c1.zip
  • 210623 4248k 2 Python 2.1.1.c1 This archive contains Python-2.1.1c1.tgz, latest python with bug fixes.

  • dshld1.zip
  • 210623 13k 3 DShield.py (a Python script that parses iptables logs to the DShield format (which will save DShield some load)) is stable enough for a 1.0 release. I moved almost everything around and put it in nice functions. It's now easier to add support for different log formats. (I'm thinking of ipchains as the next format to be added)

  • VP_rpmd.zip
  • 210623 33k 4 RPM demos for VPython

  • osc4p310.zip
  • 210623 76k 1 Python3 package for Open Sound Control (OSC) communications.

  • htm22b1l.zip
  • 210623 1229k 3 Documentation for Python 2.2b1 in html format.

  • expat11r.zip
  • 210623 99k 3 James Clark's Expat parser, binary, RedHat i386 rpm format.

  • wingider.zip
  • 210623 4274k 4 Wing IDE v1.1b7-2 For Windows and Linux, by Archaeopteryx Software, Inc. www.archaeopteryx.com. This is the rpm version for linux. Documentation in pdnpydoc

  • pand0140.zip
  • 210623 6375k 1 pandas v0.14.0 for Python provides flexible, & expressive data structures to make working with structured (tabular, multidimensional, potentially heterogeneous) & time series data easy & intuitive. Aims to be high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python, & flexible open source data analysis / manipulation tool available in any language.https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pandas

  • slpkg165.zip
  • 210623 51k 2 slpkg v1.6.5 Utility for easy management packages in Slackware It's a quick and easy way to manage your packages in slackware to a command. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/slpkg/1.6.5

  • htm211c.zip
  • 210623 1110k 2 Documentation in html format for Python-2.1.1c1

  • udsk111.zip
  • 210623 62k 1 udiskie v1.1.1 is a simple daemon that uses UDisks to automatically mount removable storage devices. This daemon comes with optional mount notifications and GTK tray icon. It also provides a user level CLI for mount and unmount operations. Removable disk automounter for udisks https://pypi.python.org/pypi/udiskie/1.1.1

  • paasta.zip
  • 210623 498k 1 An open, distributed platform as a service https://github.com/Yelp/paasta

  • pynmap32.zip
  • 210623 35k 1 python-nmap is a python library which helps in using nmap port scanner. It allows to easilly manipulate nmap scan results and will be a perfect tool for systems administrators who want to automatize scanning task and reports. It also supports nmap script outputs. http://xael.org/norman/python/python-nmap/

  • cplay144.zip
  • 210623 17k 2 cplay is a Curses frontend for various audio players. It aims to provide a power-user-friendly interface with simple filelist and playlist control. It is written in Python and can use either pyncurses or the standard curses module. The list of currently supported players includes ogg123, mpg123, mpg321, splay, madplay, and mikmod.

  • cx_Orcll.zip
  • 210623 17k 2 cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle and conforms to the Python database API specifications. This version is for Linux and contains the file cx_Oracle-2.1.0.tar.gz. This module is currently built against Oracle 8.1.6. Use the provided Setup.py to build and install the module which makes use of the DistUtils module made available in Python 2.0.

  • rnu0218.zip
  • 210623 509k 1 r-nu is a spaceship shoot-em-up side-scroller based on the R-Type series of games written in PYTHON, for Linux.

  • PyXML615.zip
  • 210623 2k 2 Version 0.6.2 of the Python/XML. This file contains PyXML-0.6.2-2.0.i586.rpm. The Python/XML distribution contains the basic tools required for processing XML data using the Python programming language, assembled into one easy-to-install package. The distribution includes parsers and standard interfaces such as SAX and DOM, along with various other useful modules.

  • pyserlnx.zip
  • 210623 122k 2 Python serial port access library pyserial-3.0a0.tar.gz

  • dip-tgz.zip
  • 210623 96k 3 Dive into Python: a free Python tutorial for experienced programmers. This archive contains diveintopython.tgz, which contains the tutorial in HTML format.

  • pyxat053.zip
  • 210623 26k 1 pyxattr is a Python extension module wrapper for libattr, which can be used to query, list, add, and remove extended attributes from files and directories. http://pyxattr.k1024.org/

  • VP_deb.zip
  • 210623 647k 2 Debian version of VPython: the Python/Visual IDLE environment, which uses an interactive development environment called IDLE.

  • easyconf.zip
  • 210623 37k 2 easygconf is a Python module that provids an easy, pythonic way to access GConf through a dict-like interface.

  • pyaudcd.zip
  • 210623 5k 2 PyAudioCD for Linux is a thin Python layer above the Linux IOCTLs used to control an audio CD player as described in K[1/usr/include/linux/cdrom.h. Up to now,it has only been tested under Linux 2.0.36 with an IDE-CD player. According to the Linux documentation, it should however work with other CD types, too. Currently, no SCSI commands are used, even though some calls may be supported by non SCSI-CDs.

  • pyzlirpm.zip
  • 210623 11k 2 python-zlib-1.5-2.i386.rpm The zlib interface. Requires an installed zlib package.

  • pydocrpm.zip
  • 210623 1925k 2 python-doc-1.5-2.i386.rpm This package doesn't include the Latex sources of the documentation, but the postscript and html documentation available at www.python.org. It also includes examples, demos and the Misc folder.

  • expt11sr.zip
  • 210623 154k 2 James Clark's Expat parser, Source, RedHat i386 rpm format.

  • pydevrpm.zip
  • 210623 275k 3 python-devel-1.5-2.i386.rpm Everything that you need to compile extensions module yourself.

  • pycrsrpm.zip
  • 210623 15k 3 python-curses-1.5-2.i386.rpm The official curses interface. This packages requires an installed copy of libncurses. Don't confuse this with the "new" curses module which adds more ncurses features, this is a plain old curses interface.

  • mlfmt13u.zip
  • 210623 9k 2 mailfmt is a Unix and Win32 tool for reformatting news and mail messages. It removes leading quotations strings (most often the '>' character, but this is user selectable from the command line) and wraps lines to a user specified width. This allows news or mail messages which have been extensively forwarded and/or quoted to be easily reformatted for ease of reading. On Unix systems, 'mailfmt' reads from stdin and writes to stdout. The file in this archive, mailfmt-1.3.tar.gz, contains the 'mailfmt' script and documentation. This script can be executed by a standard Python interpreter on *nix or Win32. (It might work on a Mac)

  • OOopy118.zip
  • 210623 128k 1 OOoPy is a Python library for modifying OpenOffice.org documents. It provides a set of transformations on the OOo XML format using the ElementTree XML Library. Transformations included are a mail merge application and the concatenation of documents with formatting intact. The framework supports easy creation of new transformations. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooopy/

  • imrd031.zip
  • 210623 87k 1 imread is a simple library which reads and saves images from disk to and from numpy arrays. Its goal is to perform this task simply, so that it can become very stable, leaving more complex image processing for other packages. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/imread

  • Fort1012.zip
  • 210623 383k 1 FORTPY Python Emacs Intellisense and Unit Testing Support for Fortran Fortpy is a python based parsing, unit testing and auto-complete framework for supporting Fortran 2003 including object oriented constructs. Auto-completion integration currently only available for emacs. ttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/Fortpy/1.0.12

  • py-tconf.zip
  • 210623 397k 2 'tconfpy' is an advanced configuration file parser and validator for Python programs. By using 'tconfpy', Python programmers can provide their users with an external configuration file for setting program options, defining defaults, and so on. 'tconfpy' offloads the responsibility for parsing and validating a configuration file from the main application. The Python programmer need only deal with the results and any errors or warnings generated during the parsing process.

  • w-or-n02.zip
  • 210623 38k 1 Weather Or Not is an application for keeping track of the weather and getting information about past trends. Linux. Python.

  • h21a2tgz.zip
  • 210623 1034k 2 documentation for Python 2.1 alpha 2, in html format, gzip.

  • pyliblnx.zip
  • 210623 85k 2 Pylibpcap 0.2 Linux version of Python Module for libpcap packet capture library. This is a python module for the libpcap packet capture library, based on the original PY-libpcap module by Aaron Rhodes. This new module uses SWIG shadow classes to make the interface more OO. http://pylibpcap.sourceforge.net BSD Style license. Platform: Unix. Requires libpcap library. David Margrave (davidmakimo.com)

  • pygdbrpm.zip
  • 210623 9k 2 python-gdbm-1.5-2.i386.rpm The python gdbm interface. Requires an installed gdbm package.

  • profilng.zip
  • 210623 68k 1 An interactive Python profiler. Inspired from Unity 3D profiler. Provides these features: Profiling statistics keep the frame stack. An interactive TUI profiling statistics viewer, more.

  • Py222b1g.zip
  • 210623 6502k 3 Python 2.2.2b1, October 7, 2002. This is a beta for a bug-fix release for Python 2.2.1 and supersedes the 2.2.1 release. The release cycle for Python 2.2.2 will be brief: unless major problems are reported, Python 2.2.2 (final) will be released a week after 2.2.2b1. This is the tar gzip version for other installs except Mac. For windows, see the windows installer version in pdnpywnt.

  • wingide2.zip
  • 210623 3257k 4 Wing IDE is an integrated development environment for Python featuring a powerful source code editor, a fast debugger, and a code browser. It is www.wingide.com. Beta 2 includes the following features: Runs under Python 2.0, Better debugger display of C extension values, including NumPy arrays, Better support for printing Python source files, Support for deadkeys on international keyboards, Additional commenting, auto-wrapping, and brace matching features, Support for source files with DOS-style line endings

  • isort380.zip
  • 210623 17k 1 isort automatically sorts and sections Python imports. It can turn even the most messy import structure into nice clean sections without duplicates. It provides a command line utility, Python library, and Kate plugin for convenient use.