Docs file for Digital Talker 128: ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ This file is intended for use in recording digital sound samples to be used in basic game programs. Requires the use of the sound digitizer circuit as described in the Nov-Dec. 1988 issues of Commodore magazine. Sound samples are stored in bank 0 from locations $4200 to $F400 (16896 - 62464 decimal). Playback m/l code exists in bank 15 $1300 - $1430 (4864 - 5168 decimal). Start and end address of the sample can be changed to playback different parts of the sound sample. Therefore, before you create a sound sample file you should do the following: 1) Create your game program first; add 'REM' program lines when digital play- back is desired. 2) Determine end address of your game program in memory. This will be necessary to prevent overwriting of your game with sample data. Locations $AE and $AF contain the LSB and MSB of the highest RAM address used in basic. PEEK at these locations to find the address. 3) Record your sound sample, keeping the start address of the sample above the end address of your game program. It's best to record all sounds in one sequential sample file and then change start/end addresses while game is running. Here are the commands needed to add digital playback to your game program: BLOAD'DTGL.SND.ML',B15:BLOAD'(your sample filename)',B0 POKE56579,255:POKE253,0:POKE5121,16 Set pitch of playback: POKE5019,PT:POKE5154,PT:POKE5160,PT NOTE: Pitch values vary with processor speed (FAST or SLOW mode) and require selection during playback option in Digital Talker/128 for best results. Recording time in FAST mode (using all memory and default pitch) averages about 10 secs. In SLOW mode, about 21 secs (but sound quality suffers). Set hibyte start address: POKE254,(start hibyte):POKE5013,(start hibyte) Set highbyte end address: POKE5009,(end hibyte) Playback: SYS4941 Each time a different section of sample playback is desired, the start/end addresses will need to be changed. That's not very difficult to do; three pokes is all that's needed. You will need to make a list of these start/end addresses by changing values in the playback option of Digital Talker/128. Then go back to your basic game and add the start/end pokes as above, and the sys command, and your game will merrily chatter away. If your game has basic 'play' statements mixed in for music, you will need to reconfigure all channels after return from the digital playback. That can be done with a gosub to a program line ('V1 O4 X0' etc for example) to return all channels to normal. Then return to game play. One final suggestion: to upgrade the quality of sound samples, I would suggest you obtain a back issue of 'Popular Electronics' April 1990 magazine. This issue contains an article on making your own 'ditherizer' circuit to connect between the microphone amp and the digitizer's input. 'Dithering' is used by software companies to improve fidelity in sound sample data. It's an easy cir- cuit to build and works wonders in improving playback sound quality. Lee C. Dickinson - LeeD7 on Qlink -