Dialogue 128 - Copyright 1991 by Gary Farmaner I, Gary Farmaner, sole author of the program Dialogue 128, do hereby authorize the release of the program Dialogue 128 and any accompanying documentation, to freeware, NON-COMMERCIAL distribution. THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE. Individuals are encouraged to give away, and post to software distribution sites, copies of the software and any electronically captured form of the documentation, as long as this notice is included. Commercial interests are permitted to distribute the program and documentation as long as this notice is included, and NO CHARGE is made beyond reasonable media and duplication costs (at most $2 for diskette, and $3 for printed documentation). I retain full copyright on the software and documentation, the software and documentation are NOT being released to the public domain. I retain the right to release commercial updates at at future date. The software is released AS IS, without warranties, guarantees, or support of any kind. There is no charge for this software. However, if you do find it useful I would appreciate reading about it. Drop me a line at: dialog@turing.toronto.edu