DesTerm 128 V3.00 News DesTerm 128 V3.00 News Here it is! OK, OK, enough already, here's DesTerm 3.00. The package is fairly complete and you shouldn't have too many problems with it. I do know of some problems, missing features and bugs that I need to get around to: The 1351 mouse support seems to be broken on my '128. Zmodem works, but it is download only and error recovery could be a smidge better. I have added an on-line documentation reader. The problem is I haven't written much in the way of on-line documentation yet. What exists is skeletal at best. No scripting language just yet - it needs to be re-vamped for the new disk scheme. How to unpack and start DesTerm3.00: Get hold of the 5 files (undar128.exe and the five .da? files). Run the undar128exe program - it will extract everything you need. The main boot program is called 'DESBOOT3.00'. The setup (and manual printer) program is called 'SETUP3.00'. You'll want to run the setup program before you use DesTerm for too long... A Caveat: I've had my paws in almost every part of the code since the last release. Some things work differently, and some things may not work at all (oops). After the first batch of reports comes in, I'll try to get an update (probably called 3.01) out by summer. Page Contents last updated: 15-Mar-1998 This page and its contents ((C)) 1996-1998, Matthew E. Desmond